parent nodes: All Spells


Range: 360’

Magic User 4

Duration: 2 rounds+1/level

This spell causes up to 3d6 living creatures within a 30’ radius circle around the target point to become confused,making them unable to independently determine what they will do. A saving throw vs. Spells is allowed to resist the effect. Roll on the following table on each subject’s Initiative number each round to see what the subject does.

d10 Behavior
1 Act Normally
2 Move toward the caster, and attack if possible
3–5 Take no action except possibly to babble
6–7 Move swiftly away from the caster
8–10 Attack the nearest creature, regardless of whether it is a friend or foe
If the target cannot perform the action indicated, the GM should move down the table (going back to the top if the table runs out) until an action is found that the target can perform. If a confused creature is attacked, it returns the attack on its next initiative number (later in this round or in the next round if it has already acted) regardless of what is rolled on the table.