parent nodes: All Spells | Continual Light | Cure Blindness | Magic Items

Continual Light

Range: 360’

Cleric 3, Magic-User 2

Duration: 1 year/level

This spell creates a spherical region of light, as bright as full daylight up to a 30’ radius, with light of lesser intensity to a radius of 60’. Continual light can be cast on an object, into the air, or at a creature, just as with the light spell, up to a maximum range of 360’ from the caster. The spell remains in effect for one year per level of the caster.

As with light, this spell can be used to blind a creature if cast on its visual organs. Creatures targeted by this spell are allowed a save vs. Death Ray; if the save is made, the spell is cast into the air just behind the target creature. A penalty of -4 is applied to the blinded creature’s attack rolls if the saving throw fails.

The reversed spell, continual darkness, causes complete absence of light in the area of effect, overpowering normal light sources. Continual darkness may be used to blind in the same way as continual light.