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Cleric Spells

Clerics receive their spells through faith and prayer.
Each day, generally in the morning, a Cleric must pray
for at least three turns in order to prepare spells. Of
course, the Cleric may be expected to pray more than
this in order to remain in their deity's good graces.
Because they gain their spells through prayer, a Cleric
may prepare any spell of any level they are able to cast.
In some cases the Cleric's deity may limit the availability
of certain spells; for instance, a deity devoted to healing
may refuse to grant reversed healing spells.

First Level Clerical Spells
1 Cure Light Wounds*
2 Detect Evil*
3 Detect Magic
4 Light*
5 Protection from Evil*
6 Purify Food and Water
7 Remove Fear*
8 Resist Cold

Second Level Clerical Spells
1 Bless*
2 Charm Animal
3 Find Traps
4 Hold Person
5 Resist Fire
6 Silence 15' radius
7 Speak with Animals
8 Spiritual Hammer

Third Level Clerical Spells
1 Continual Light*
2 Cure Blindness*
3 Cure Disease*
4 Growth of Animals
5 Locate Object
6 Remove Curse*
7 Speak with Dead
8 Striking

Fourth Level Clerical Spells
1 Animate Dead
2 Create Water
3 Cure Serious Wounds*
4 Dispel Magic
5 Neutralize Poison*
6 Protection from Evil 10' radius*
7 Speak with Plants
8 Sticks to Snakes

Fifth Level Clerical Spells
1 Commune
2 Create Food
3 Dispel Evil
4 Insect Plague
5 Quest*
6 Raise Dead*
7 True Seeing
8 Wall of Fire

Sixth Level Clerical Spells
1 Animate Objects
2 Blade Barrier
3 Find the Path
4 Heal*
5 Regenerate
6 Restoration
7 Speak with Monsters
8 Word of Recall