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Blade Barrier

Range: 90’

Cleric 6

Duration: 1 round/level

This spell creates a barrier of flying, spinning, flashing blades. The caster may choose a barrier up to 20’ high which extends up to 20’ long per level of caster, or a ring-shaped barrier up to 20’ high with a radius of up to 5’ per each two full caster levels (so 30’ at level 12 or 13, 35’ at level 14 or 15, and so on).

Should any creature pass through the wall, it suffers 1d6 points of damage per caster level, with a maximum damage of 15d6. A successful save vs. Death Ray reduces damage by half.

The caster may choose to conjure the wall in an area where creatures are already located; if this is done, all such creatures are harmed as if they passed through the wall, but a successful save vs. Death Ray in this case indicates that the creature has avoided all damage by jumping to one side or the other of the wall as chosen by the creature.

Any ranged attacks passing through a blade barrier suffer a penalty of -4 on the attack roll.