parent nodes: All Spells


Range: 50’ radius

Cleric 2

Duration: 1 minute/level

This spell gives the caster and their allies within a 50’ radius a bonus of +1 on all attack rolls, morale checks (for monsters or NPCs allied with the caster), and saving throws vs. any kind of magical fear. Casters of the 7th or higher level grant a bonus of +2 to attacks and saves vs. fear, but the morale bonus remains +1.

The reverse of bless is called bane. The caster’s enemies within a 50’ radius become fearful and uncertain, causing them to suffer a penalty of -1 on attack rolls, morale checks, and saving throws vs. any kind of magical fear. Casters of the 7th or higher level apply a penalty of -2 to attacks and saves vs. fear, but the morale penalty remains -1.