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2003 SPSS Tournament

The first SPSS Tournament held since the schools built by the Super Powered Beings initial began to hold classes.

Besides being the largest tournament held by the Super Powered School System, it is likely the highest profile tournament held as well, with many national news outlets starting to build up for coverage of the more local preliminary qualifiers that will be held early in January.

Something that sparked some backlash within the system for this year is that most of the new schools created by the Super Powered Initiative were only allowed to have 2-3 teams per grade per school go from the preliminaries to the following stage, while most of the other older schools were given anywhere between 5-10 per grade. The official reason given for this was the newer schools generally lacked the student population to justify needing more than 3 competitors.

Massachusetts vs Maine

Due to an issue with William King High's gymnasium not being fully constructed by the time of the tournament, it was decided that their preliminary tournament would be merged with the closest school's, which was Massachusetts' Kennedy High. It was announced, much to the anger of school officials that this combined tournament would only see the top three teams from the tournament progress to the next stage later in the year. This immediately caused high tensions between the two schools.

During a lunch break during the Tournament after the first two rounds of the winner and loser's brackets, an incident occured at a nearby McDonalds. While PlayerTeam was dining, Dubyas Fist attempted to prank Martin Davis by spraying his pants with water, attempting to make it look to onlookers as though Martin peed his pants. When others failed to be amused by this prank, the prank escalated, with memebers of both teams removing themselves from the booth where they were sitting. Some powers were used, but thankfully the incident did no go further than some shoving, threats of further violence, and some possibly racially charged remarks.

After the two teams were seperated, an initial decision was made to remove Dubyas Fist from the tournament. This was ratified, much to the protest of the officials from Maine. Dubyas Fist was considered one of the best teams out of Maine, and a surefire contender to take down the teams from Massachusetts. With them removed entirely from the tournament, Maine's other big hope for tournament success were the Timber Wolves and Losers First. Prior to the decision regarding to Dubyas Fist, the Timber Wolves had been moved to the loser's bracket after losing to Losers First.

In a surprise upset, the generally under performing Dragons Fire went all in, and defeated the Timber Wolves. The match opened with one of their memebers instantly ringing both him and the strongest members of the Timber Wolves out. The rest of the match was still close, but Dragons Fire managed to come out on top.

Dragons Fire was then eleminated from the loser's bracket the following round by Team To Be Decided, a team from Massachusetts.

In the winners bracket, at this point, only PlayerTeam and Losers First were left. This did certify that alongside those two, Team To Be Decided qualified to move on, meaning only one team from Maine was going to be continuing on.

After PlayerTeam defeated Losers First, Team To Be Decided reached an agreement with PlayerTeam to declare PlayerTeam winner of the tournament without need of further fights.

Officials from Maine hotly contested this overall decision, feeling that due to the two schools, it should have been expanded to be the top four teams, and that also by allowing the decision the two Massachusetts teams to eschew a final round, it innapropriately stacked the deck in PlayerTeam's favor.