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Super Powered Initiative

An executive order signed by George W Bush to push and rush construction of over a dozen new schools in the Super Powered School System.
This order was created in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, with the purpose of fostering community bonding, lessening the risk of super powered students being concentrated in under a half dozen schools, and to encourage students with abilities to want to help protect their communities and give them the resources to do so in an attempt to prevent another terrorist attack.

Critics of this initiative draw attention to various factors, largely the programs ties to military involvement, as well as a lack of qualified educators in the country. Critics allege that many of the individuals with powers that are being hired for various positions within these schools are not qualified educators, and in some cases, have posed a danger to civilians in their former lives as "super heroes." There is also the worry in certain crowds that the overhiring of super heroes may lead to some issues from the lack of active heroes in areas that may have otherwise relied on them.