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Super Powered School System

Starting in the late 1960s, the number of people with powers began to rise, which lead to expanding the New York school, Roosevelt High, and, by the late 1970s, the opening of a handful more schools located throughout the country. This coincided with the creation of the Super Powered School System. All of the original schools in the system were built during this time period. Over the following decades, the schools would often find themselves overcrowded as they struggled under the small number of schools having to serve super powered beings from all over the country. Most of these schools were also constructed inside of major cities, or their nearby suburbs, as they were originally intended to serve just students from local areas. As the number of young people with powers began to grow, this meant that the schools would be tasked with serving larger and larger populations.

The small number of schools was proving unsustainable, but the costs to construct new schools were generally seen as too high, as they required a fair amount of super powered faculty, who were often in high demand, and small number. Due to this, all schools fundamentally turned into boarding schools, offering dormatories for their students, as often students from out of state were mandated to attend the schools.

Once more schools were added to the system in the 1980s, a small football league was setup to allow those with powers to participate in athletic based team sports.

Roosevelt High was created by The Shield(Joe Higgins) and his Brooklyn Brawlers, as he began to reckon with both his own personal loss of powers, and that he and the other brawlers were slowly aging out of being able to fight crime full time. He felt it imperitive to the safety of the nation that work was done to train future heroes, as well as to help those who are powered individuals control their powers, for their safety, public well being, as well to to make them better rounded people as a whole.

Following in the sucess that his team had, he felt a team based structure to the school was for the best. He had benefitted greatly from having formed a team, and working within that structure. As the years went on, it was found that this was greatly condusive to the well being of "Super Heroes" as well as just generally more beneficial for the students, even if they were not Super Hero Track teams. It gave a bonding structure for kids to learn to control their powers, with others who may have a better handling of things. Through what would become known as the SPSS Tournament, there was also evidence that the 4 person teams were overall more effective for environments necessitating teamwork.

In 2001, the George W Bush signed an executive order to rush construction of over a dozen new schools in the Super Powered School System. This also allocated massive amounts of funding for obtaining instructors and educators with and without powers. (See Super Powered Initiative). Some of these schools were built closer to the most overcrowded schools, New York and Los Angeles, to help with the overcrowding issues.

In the United States, it is estimated that over 1% of the population has powers of some kind, however most powers are generally not considered overly powerful, and do not necessitate the individual attending a school. In a lot of cases, they likely would not be admitted even if they tried, unless they had some kind of need. Typically, those admitted into the school system fall into one of two categories, those who present a risk to themselves and/or others and need help learning to control their powers, or those who have powers of a certain level that want to train and hone them for use after school. The second category typically forms the backbone of those in the Super Hero Track, however this is not always the case. Some individuals may want to hone their powers to apply them to a trade or some kind of specialized field, and the training the SPSS provides is generally considered key to success in this. For example, as the world slowly become more digital with the world wide web and computers become more prevalent in many aspects of life, those with powers to control and communicate with such technology are in high demand, especially at major tech companies.

Original School Locations

New York City(Roosevelt High)
Los Angeles, California ([Ronald Reagan High])
Jacksonville, Florida
Houston, Texas
Denver, Colorado
Detroit, Michigan

Schools created by the Super Powered Initiative

Chicago, Illinois
Lee, Massachusetts (Kennedy High)
Seattle, Washington
Belfast, Maine (William King High)
San Francisco, California
Annapolis, Maryland
Walthourville, Georgia
Bernalillo, New Mexico
Conway, South Carolina

Opportunities post High School

Generally, as of 2002, there are no colleges or universities designed with the sole purpose of servicing super powered beings. Most students who graduate from the Super Powered School System who decide to persue further education attend the same colleges and universities that anyone does. Often, if they have an interest in actually pursuing a career as a superhero, they may go after degrees in criminal justice, medicine or psycology, although thats generally not considered necassary. Some organizations that help support super heroes may require certain levels of higher education to join, however. Those are often area specific, and there may be alternatives in that area. However, most of Connecticut's organizations are recognized as a national standard, and require at minimum a 2 year degree.