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Katherine "Kitty" Pryde is a Jewish mutant with versatile phasing abilities which allow her to move through solid matter. She started the subreddit "Shitpost Crusaders."
Katherine "Kitty" Anne Pryde was leading the normal life of an extremely gifted thirteen-year-old girl in Deerfield, Illinois when she began suffering increasingly intense headaches. The headaches were a result of Kitty's mutant power emerging. Kitty possesses the ability to pass through solid matter.
Professor Charles Xavier located Kitty and set to recruit her for his school, and possibly as a new member of his X-Men. Kitty's parents allowed her to join Prof. Xaviers School for Gifted Youngsters. She became the newest member of the X-Men and Kitty spent a great deal of time training. During her first training session in the Danger Room, Kitty easily walked through a scenario that took Professor Xavier weeks to program. Storm christened Kitty with her first code name, Sprite, and took her to dancing lessons at Stevie Hunter’s studio. Kitty quickly developed a crush on Colossus but was uncomfortable around the demon-like Nightcrawler.
Many adventures soon followed. On Christmas Eve, Kitty destroyed a N'Garai demon by herself when she was left alone in the mansion. Later, Kitty was almost kidnapped by deformed mutant Caliban. Caliban, who only sought friendship, returned to his underground home.
Illyana Rasputin, Colossus' six-year-old sister, was kidnapped by Belasco and the X-Men followed to Limbo. While there, Kitty was harassed by an alternate version of Nightcrawler, and they rescued her. While returning to their dimension, Belasco grabbed Illyana and Kitty held her arm. Kitty lost her grip for a few seconds and reached back into the portal until she felt an arm and pulled out Illyana. Due to her captivity in Limbo, where she spent years while only mere moments elapsed on Earth, Illyana returned to them older, now the same age as Kitty. Kitty and Illyana became very close and seemed to share a link, with Illyana even joining Kitty in Stevie's dance studio and becoming roommates.
When the alien Brood implanted embryos in all of the X-Men, Kitty met the small, alien, dragon-like creature Lockheed. While the X-Men were in space, Xavier formed a new team of mutants, the New Mutants, most of whose members were closer to Kitty in age than the other X-Men were. This time, he would only train them in the use of their special powers, and not send them out into combat. Xavier infuriated Kitty by terminating her X-Men status and moving her to the New Mutants, who she called the "X-Babies." Xavier relented and retained Kitty in the X-Men after Kitty impressed him by defeating two Sidri with the help of Lockheed, who had followed her back to earth. Lockheed became Kitty's constant companion.
The X-Men encountered the underground community of mutants known as the Morlocks, who had kidnapped one of their former members, Angel. Kitty promised Caliban of the Morlocks her hand in marriage, while deathly sick from Plague, in exchange for aid in saving Piotr and the X-Men's life. Sprite however did not keep her promise and returned to the X-Men.
Kitty abandoned her code-name, Sprite, for the Professor's original choice, Ariel.
While battling the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Colossus was frozen in liquid nitrogen. While attempting to save Colossus, Kitty was kidnapped by Callisto, who intended for her to keep her word and marry Caliban. Caliban released her from her vow, hoping she would one day return to him of her free will, and Colossus was saved by the efforts of the Morlock, Healer.
Kitty began spending time with her friend, Doug Ramsey, another computer genius, and together they hacked Project Wideawake files. Soon after this, even though Kitty had acted out of love to save him, Piotr started to question the time she was spending with Doug, which even led to Kitty missing scheduled Danger Room sessions.
Kitty grew close to the X-Man Wolverine, who became a mentor to her. Kitty found that her father was dealing with Japanese gangsters. She followed him to Japan and Kitty was captured and put under the mental control of Ogun, the ninja master who had once been Wolverine's teacher but had since become his enemy. Ogun mentally had Kitty believe that she was his daughter and had been training in the art of ninjutsu. Ogun also cut her hair shorter. Being the only X-Man to receive her call for help, Wolverine soon followed. Kitty was sent to kill Wolverine and injured him greatly, but with help from Yukio, she was restored. Wolverine undertook a crash program to teach Kitty's body, just as Ogun had taught her mind, to become skillful enough in the Japanese martial arts to contend against Ogun. Constantly telling her that she can either train or leave, Kitty eventually realized that Wolverine was giving her a choice that Ogun denied her, and she slowly began to grow out of her childish, spoiled ways. At the end of her training, Kitty assumed the new and permanent code name Shadowcat. Kitty went to face Ogun herself. After being defeated by Ogun, he offered her to join him or die. At that time, Wolverine came to her rescue. Sadly, Wolverine was also overwhelmed and the two of them sat helplessly at Ogun's mercy. In a turn of events, Kitty informed Wolverine that she was scared until he arrived. When he apologized, she stated that she did not want an apology, but life. At that moment, Wolverine turned the battle and defeated Ogun. Kitty regained her innocence that Ogun had taken.
When Emma Frost attempted to kill the mutants at the Xavier Institute for Apocalypse, Kitty, immune to her psychic powers while phased, ripped out her heart. This would lead to a fall out with then X-Men leader Scott Summers, who was at the time dealing with the stress Iron Man was putting on the X-Men. Her and Kurt Wagner would leave to England, where they would help found the team Excalibur.

Kitty possesses the ability to pass through solid matter and objects by passing her atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the object through which she is moving. In this way she and the object through which she is passing could temporarily merge without interacting, and each is unharmed when Kitty had finished passing through the object. This process is called "phasing." When Shadowcat is phasing, she is, for all intents and purposes, intangible. Hence, when attacked, she can shift into a "phasing" state, even if she is not at the time passing through an object, so as to allow oncoming projectiles or energy blasts to pass through her harmlessly, rendering her virtually untouchable. Kitty passes through objects at the same rate of speed at which she was moving before she "entered" them.
Selective Phasing/Intangibility
Kitty can make all or part of her body intangible while leaving the rest solid.Using her phasing ability, Kitty can also freely walk on both air and water. In fact, she can use this ability walk from the ground to the upper stories of a building as if she were climbing a staircase.
Phased/Intangible Extension
From the first use of her phasing power, Kitty was able to phase her clothing along with herself.Through practice, she learned to phase other objects along with herself without harm to them, and at one point phased an entire X-Men team. She could also enable someone as big as Colossus to "walk on air" along with her; however, she has to maintain physical contact with the individual or object she phased along with herself for the effect to work with this another. This technique can be used to allow objects to become intangible and pass through bodies or other solid objects such as buildings, planes, or trains.
Elemental Intangibility
Allow elements to pass harmlessly through her. Such as water, fire, earth, air, energy, electricity, and even lightning.
Phased/Intangible Disruption
Kitty can easily damage tangible matter by passing right through it.When phasing through an object with an electrical system, the process often disrupts the system's workings.
Telepathic Immuninity
When phased telepathic abilities has no effect on her due to there being no mind. It's suspected that elements of her psyche could reside in different dimensions,[139] a theory that appeared to be supported when she became enhanced by the Black Vortex.
Master Martial Artist
Shadowcat possessed moderate expertise of the martial arts of the Japanese ninja and samurai. Shadowcat demonstrated great knowledge of ninja methods of combat when she was mentally possessed by the Ronin Ogun. With the possession over, Shadowcat forgot the knowledge of ninja techniques he gave her, but she retained the knowledge of Japanese martial arts, as well as street-fighting methods taught to her by Wolverine.
Master Swordsman
Kitty is highly trained at swordplay, especially that used by Japanese samurai and wielding Japanese blades. The Silver Samurai has stated that her skills may surpass those of Wolverine, and she was able to briefly hold her own against the Samurai in a somewhat staged battle.
Dance Training
Kitty is trained in ballet and modern dance. She continued to take dance training under the tutelage of Stevie Hunter and was highly agile.
Expert Pilot: She is a skilled pilot of various aircraft and certain advanced interstellar vehicles.
Genius-level Computer Expert
Kitty was an expert in the field of computer science, demonstrating a genius-level aptitude for programming, modifying, and diagnosing almost any computer system: even those of unfamiliar human and extraterrestrial origin. She used her skills in many high-stress combat situations to great effect, and in combination with her mutant ability to disrupt electrical systems, she was a formidable foe for any enemy relying on advanced technology. She was on par with her former hacking partner Cypher whose mutant gift for languages granted him superhuman skill in the same field (albeit before he was consciously aware of his powers
She speaks fluent Japanese, Russian, the royal and standard languages of the Shi'ar Empire, and Skrullos. She also has moderate expertise in Gaelic, and knows some profanities in Hebrew.
Mystical Vulnerability
While phasing Shadowcat was still vulnerable to mystical attacks.
Phasing Limitations
Denser materials were more difficult for Kitty to phase through, sometimes causing her pain. When phasing through Adamantium it makes her sick. Solidifying while in an object could cause serious injury if not death.As it is an active ability, if she can't see an attack coming, she can't phase through it, a fact that the mercenary known as Deadpool once exploited when he knocked her out (taking her by surprise) in order to provoke Wolverine into fighting him for his amusement.