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Lief Haven

Lief Questions

For Halloween 2002, Lief went as an Ent
His superhero name is Yggdrasil. He is a member of PlayerTeam.

Favorite movie is Rush Hour 2
Favorite video game is Super Smash Bros Melee or Age of Empires 2
Favorite show is Home Improvement
Favorite song is Smooth by Santana
Favorite food is chicken wings
Favorite book is Harry Potter
Likes to woodcarve and to read.
Mains Yoshi in Melee

His birthday is April 26th

he has an older brother Thorne Haven and an older sister Sage Haven. Thorne is the oldest, his powers revolve around mixing plants to create new poisons and cutting, he’s always been the troublemaker, naturally gifted in combat and has recently come of age barely graduating from the New York branch. Sage is the middle child, her powers revolve around growing and controlling plants as well as some small healing powers, she’s always been the goody two-shoes can’t do anything wrong type always trying to one up her older brother, she is currently enrolled in the New York branch, not willing to transfer as she’d leave behind her team she’s worked with for the past 2 years.

Sage is two grades ahead of Lief.

Lief has various self regeneration and healing abilities. Whenever he heals someone of damage, he takes that damage upon himself. He can also transfer damage he has taken onto someone else.