parent nodes: Ent | Lief Haven


Ents are a fictional race from J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle-earth.

Ents are the oldest race in Middle-earth. They are tree-like creatures, having become like the trees that they shepherd. They vary in traits, from everything to height and size, colouring, and the number of fingers and toes. According to Tolkien, these creatures live in the forest of Fangorn.

There used to be Entwives in Fangorn, but they started to move farther away from the Ents because they liked to plant and control things, so they moved away. The Ents looked for them but have never found them. It is said that one day they will find each other.

They aren't hasty creatures, the take their time, even their language is unhasty. They keep to themselves, except when they are roused to anger.

In the Part 2 of the Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers, the Ents do become angry. They become mad at Saruman because he is getting out of control with power. So the Ents have a meeting, or an 'entmoot'. They decide to capture Saruman, or die trying. They are led by Treebeard, the oldest Ent, and Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, who came across Treebeard while trying to escape the Orcs. They capture Isengard and trap Saruman in The Orthanc, a tower.

It is also important to note that the Entwives are substantially gritty, colored with splotches of things as they rove through the worlds of Midhaven, praying as they would for things notwithstanding and overwatching various happenings such as the notorious "Man in White," otherwise known as "The Happy Marauder," otherwise known as "Plenfiel," otherwise known as "Bill." This can often bring down a great deal of anger and upset, especially when coming upon other places of similar jest or other such things, as noted by barren fields.