parent nodes: Lief Haven

Lief Questions

What is your character’s name?

Lief Haven
What is your character’s physical description?

Short and lean for his age with blonde hair and green eyes. His hair about 2 inches on top spiked up and back, no sideburns, and short on the side.
How old is your character? (note: grade 9 fall semester 2002)

Are your parents alive? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die? (Also! Don’t forget that they can be previous heroes as well)
Yes, they are former supers. They mostly retired from being superheroes and picked up day jobs when they had kids so they could devote themselves to being good parents to them. His father Heath, whose powers allow him to bring plants back to life and create new plants, is a botanist, and his mother Althea, whose powers allow her to cut out speed and precision and provide long term regeneration, is a surgeon. Now that Lief, the youngest, is going to be staying at the new school and they’ll have an empty nest, they are considering returning to the life as heroes or becoming teachers for the next generation.
Who raised you?
Raised by parents most of the time, taken care of by grandparents when there were incidents that required his parents to briefly come out of retirement.
Do you have any siblings? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die? Do they also have powers?
Yes, he has an older brother Thorne and an older sister Sage. Thorne is the oldest, his powers revolve around mixing plants to create new poisons and cutting, he’s always been the troublemaker, naturally gifted in combat and has recently come of age barely graduating from the New York branch. Sage is the middle child, her powers revolve around growing and controlling plants as well as some small healing powers, she’s always been the goody two-shoes can’t do anything wrong type always trying to one up her older brother, she is currently enrolled in the New York branch, not willing to transfer as she’d leave behind her team she’s worked with for the past 2 years.
What is your character’s social class?
Upper middle class, he and his siblings never really wanted for anything during their life.
How has their upbringing affected their world view?

With his mother saving lives, and his dad able to create new plants, he’s always had a hopeful view of the world of medicine and believes that if we can solve the worlds medical problems, people will be much more prepared to solve the rest of their problems.
What are your character’s hobbies?

He has always enjoyed gardening with his father and woodworking during his alone time, though he hasn’t shut the door on new activities.
Is your character religious?

Has your character been arrested? What for?
Has anyone in your character’s family served in the military?

Yes, his mother served as a field medic.
Do you have any friends who are also going to this new school?

Unknown, he was always told to keep his powers secret from those in normal society, and didn’t really think powers were a very interesting topic having always been part of his daily life.
What is your character’s motivation/complications?

Having been raised by someone who lives by medicine, even without the hypocritic oath, it was instrumental to his values growing up, and he will treat his teammates and those who fall under his care as his patients, saving all lives he can and ensuring the best care, even to those he once called his enemies. Due to the nature of his power, he has developed a tendency of self-sacrifice as well, leading to him putting his life on the line even when not strictly necessary.
What are your character’s life goals?

To improve the health and life of everyone he can. To rid those he meets of disease and suffering.
Does your character know the other characters?
Maybe, but if he does the other character having powers would be a surprise.