parent nodes: Fox McCloud | Mercedes Meyers | Star Fox

Star Fox Adventures

Star Fox Adventures is a Nintendo GameCube game released in 2002. It was developed by Rareware and published by Nintendo. It was originally planned for the Nintendo 64. It takes place eight years after Star Fox 64, and on Dinosaur Planet, which General Pepper describes it as "an ancient world on the other side of the Lylat System."

Star Fox Adventures uses the gameplay engine of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Its graphics are sophisticated for its time. Also, like Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Star Fox Adventures has a day-and-night phase, but a more accurate and gradual one. Also, a language called Dino is used, and that language concept is similar to that of Square Enix's Final Fantasy X, except that the letter Y is used only in proper nouns. The game also has a Widescreen mode, designed for widescreen television monitors.


Star Fox Adventures takes place in an ancient world called Dinosaur Planet, located on the side of the Lylat System opposite of planet Corneria. It begins with Krystal, who is scheduled to appear in Star Fox 2 for GameCube, riding on a CloudRunner and then entering the airship leading to Krazoa Palace. An in-game tutorial occurs during the gameplay sequence with Krystal. A dying EarthWalker, who was killed by a SharpClaw, talks with Krystal about the distress call on Dinosaur Planet. Shortly thereafter, Krystal heads to the first Krazoa Shrine, and receives the first Krazoa Spirit by completing the test of observation. Then she exits to Krazoa Palace and releases the Krazoa Spirit. Shortly after that happens, Andross traps her into a crystal shaped like a Hyrulian rupee, reducing her to Fox McCloud's damsel in distress. Therefore, Krystal depends on Fox McCloud for her life. In order to save Krystal, Fox McCloud must finish what she started, which is to find the five remaining Krazoa Spirits, which is part of the object of Star Fox Adventures. Meanwhile, Fox McCloud, Slippy Toad, and Peppy Hare in the Great Fox and have a briefing with General Pepper, but Falco Lombardi is missing, until the final confrontation. General Pepper talks with Fox McCloud again upon arrival to ThornTail Hollow, Dinosaur Planet. He tells Fox that his mission is to bring Dinosaur Planet back together. Chunks of Dinosaur Planet were torn apart, and those are called DarkIce Mines, CloudRunner Fortress, Walled City, and Dragon Rock. Shortly after General Pepper has finished talking, Fox meets with the ThornTail nearby. And then Fox picks up Krystal's staff, which fell from Krystal's hands at the very beginning of the game when Krystal was riding a CloudRunner. When he picked up the staff, he hears Krystal's voice instructing him how to use the staff.