parent nodes: Fox McCloud | Super Smash Bros Melee

Fox McCloud

Fox McCloud (Japanese:フォックス) is a fictional character from the Star Fox universe. He was created by Takaya Imamura. He is the head of the mercenary Star Fox team, summoned by General Pepper. He is the son of James McCloud, founder of the Star Fox team. His father was captured by his arch nemesis Andross. Peppy Hare returned to Corneria inform him about his father's destiny. He is a like a second father to Fox. Fox was 18 years old at the time of Star Fox 64. Wolf O'Donnell of the Star Wolf team is his utter rival. Fox invited his close friends Falco Lombardi and Slippy Toad to join the Star Fox team. When the Star Fox team arrived to Venom, where Andross is, the Star Wolf team would not allow them to enter to get to Andross without a fight. Fox McCloud brought his father's traitor Pigma Dengar to justice. After the victory against Star Wolf team, Fox entered Andross's chamber alone while his wingmen Peppy, Slippy, and Falco waited. After Fox defeated Andross in Star Fox 64, the Star Fox team docked back to the Great Fox and arrived back to Corneria and talked with General Pepper, then they went home.

Eight years later, Fox McCloud heard a rumor that boredom separated Falco Lombardi from the Star Fox team, and then General Pepper reported a conflict on Dinosaur Planet, an ancient world on the opposite corner of the Lylat System. He piloted his Arwing to ThornTail Hollow, Dinosaur Planet. At ThornTail hollow, he received communicators from General Pepper, enabling him to communicate with General Pepper, Peppy Hare, and Slippy Toad. The habitats of Dinosaur Planet speak a fictitious language called Dino. Slippy developed a translator so that that Fox could understand Dino. Then he talked with the ThornTail tribe, and picked up Krystal's Staff. As the name implies, the staff belongs to Krystal, Fox's damsel distress, who dropped it from above Krazoa Palace at the beginning of Star Fox Adventures. While Fox was on Dinosaur Planet, Slippy airdropped a High-Definition Display Device. Fox had to purchase it, because Shabunga Shopkeeper got it first. In order to free Krystal and save Dinosaur Planet, Fox had to return the SpellStones to their rightful position and finish what Krystal started. Shortly after he freed Krystal, the staff returned to her hands. Then Andross awakened. Fox went to his Arwing and defeated Andross once again with the help of Falco Lombardi. After that, he returned to Great Fox, and General Pepper paid him as Dinosaur Planet was saved. Falco Lombardi entered the Great Fox and rejoined the Star Fox team. Then Peppy Hare showed Fox a message from Krystal. Shortly thereafter, Krystal entered the Great Fox and said "That's to say thank you." Therefore, she appreciated what Fox did for her. Then she united herself with Fox, and the story of Star Fox Adventures ends. Immediately afterwards, the Star Fox team used the money that Fox received for saving Dinosaur Planet to finance to repair the Great Fox.

Fox McCloud is also one of the characters in the original Nintendo 64 Super Smash Bros. game and Super Smash Bros. Melee. He is technically different from the latter than from the former. He is lighter in Super Smash Bros. Melee than in the original Super Smash Bros. Falco Lombardi emulates how Fox McCloud was in the original Super Smash Bros. The difference in the blasters in Super Smash Bros. Melee is that Fox's blasters are more rapid but does not make his opponents flinch, and Falco Lombardi's blasters are not as fast, but backs away his opponents.