parent nodes: Donkey Kong | GameCube | Legend of Zelda | Mario | Metroid | Nintendo | Nintendo 64 | Star Fox | Star Fox Adventures | Super Smash Bros Melee | Yoshi


The Nintendo GameCube is a video game console by Nintendo belonging to the same generation as the Sega Dreamcast, Sony's PlayStation 2, and Microsoft's XBox.

It was released on September 14, 2001 in Japan, November 5 in North American, and Spring 2002 in Europe. The Gamecube, or GCN, has been widely anticipated by many who were shocked by Nintendo's decision to design another cartridge based system after the SNES. The Gamecube uses a unique storage medium, a proprietary DVD format that holds 1.5 GB of data. The Gamecube contains such Nintendo series such as Super Mario, Star Fox, Zelda, and Metroid. The Gamecube doesn't have any DVD movie support, but a Gamecube/DVD hybrid is in production by Panasonic. Some titles include Super Smash Bros. Melee, Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader, Wave Race: Blue Storm, and Super Mario Sunshine.