parent nodes: GameCube | Metal Gear Solid 2 | PlayStation | PlayStation 2


The PlayStation is a video game console produced by Sony in the 1990s; it was launched in Japan in December 1994 and in the USA in September 1995. It is important in the history of video games in being the first popular console to have the power to do 3d graphics using its 33MHz custom CPU (MIPS R3000A). It was hugely popular and spawned a "PlayStation Generation".

Very well known for the Tomb Raider series of games that first came out on the PlayStation.

Sony now make a compatible console in a smaller (and curvier) case called the PSOne.

Sony's succesor to the PlayStation is the hugely more powerful PlayStation 2 and is largely compatible in the sense that it can play most PlayStation games unmodified. This is done by embedding the most important parts of the PSOne inside the PlayStation 2 design, so you get two systems for the price of one. The PlayStation 2 is based on the EE or Emotion Engine.

Also known as PSX. A user programmable version called the Net Yaroze was also produced.

The next generation of the PlayStation is known as PlayStation 3 and expected to be launched in 2005.