parent nodes: Home Encounters | North of Road Encounters | Opossum | Species


Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 2
No. of Attacks: 1 bite + hold
Damage: 1d4 + 1d4/round
Movement: 40’
No. Appearing: 1d6
Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 6
Treasure Type: None
XP: 50

On a failed morale check, rather than fleeing, a opossum will instead "play possum" and effectively feign death.
This is an involunatary act, and will without succeeding on a wisdom check appear for all intents and purposes to be dead.
For the intents of an encounter, the opossum counts as being defeated.
It will regain consciousness sometime within a few minutes or a few hours.
They may also do this if they are surprised.