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Home Encounters

Generally, the Game Master should check for random encounters in the wilderness about every four hours of game time; this translates nicely to three night checks and three daytime checks. If your players choose to stand three night watches, you simply check for each watch; in the daytime, check morning, afternoon, and evening.

To check for a wilderness encounter near the commune, roll 1d6; on a roll of 2 or less, an encounter occurs. If a wilderness encounter is indicated, roll 2d8 on the appropriate table below. The Game Master should think carefully about how the encounter happens; check for surprise in advance, and if the monster is not surprised, it may be considered to have had time to set up an ambush (at the GM’s option).

These possibilities represent a fairly large range of what might be encountered nearby.

2American Alligator, normal
3Black Bear
6Burmese Python
7Florida Cottonmouth
9Spotted Skunk
12Wild Hog
13Fox Squirrel
14Black Bear
15American Alligator, normal
16Florida Panther