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Popular Super Heroes

Generally speaking, few super heroes actually rise to country wide stardom. This is due to a number of reasons. For one, the limits on real life depictions in media, especially in comics, diluted the waters early. Most super heroes that tried to find stardom generally had to take matters into their own hands, and pursue acting careers and similar, which often would put a damper on their heroic activities. Also, the team-based structure that most heroes fall into are generally more suited for local celebridom, rather than national. With the internet and similar, this is beginning to change more, compared to the days of mostly just news reports and fanzines.

For most heroes that operate as a solo hero, its mostly post retirement that they see some amount of celebrity, often too busy with their activities to pursue fame otherwise.

Popular Heroes
Red Rube
Captain Battle
Golden Arrow
Crime Smasher
The Firefly
Black Hood
Spider Queen
Captain Midnight

See also Notable Villains