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Black Hood

Kip Burland was a New York police officer framed for a crime he never committed by the Skull, a notorious criminal. Kip was let go from the force, but attempted to clear his name by finding the Skull. Burland finds the Skull after searching for some time and attempts to thwart a robbery of a fur store but ended up being shot eight times and left for dead in the woods by the Skull and his thugs.

He was found by the Hermit who lived in the woods in a cabin and treated for his wounds.While recovering Kip tells his tale to the Hermit who also reveals his ordeal with the villain. The old man decides to train Kip Burland to become a crime fighter. After many months of training Burland used his new persona, the Black Hood.

He would later join a team known as the Brooklyn Brawlers, made up of himself, The Shield, Wizard, and the Firefly.