parent nodes: anime | Gundam | Mobile Suit Gundam

Gundam Wing

Gundam Wing is a televised Anime program, with approximately 40 episodes, which are linear in order (i.e. the episodes are intended to be viewed in a certain order). This series is a part of a series of Anime known as Mobile Suit.

Gundam Wing is often considered to be very melodramatic, although much of this may be due to meaning lost in the translation to English. The story centers around the pilots of extremely advanced Mobile Suits (giant battle robots controlled from the inside) known as Gundams. They represent the space colonies, against an organization on Earth known as Oz which is (at least initially appearing to be) heading an attempt to take over the space colonies.

The animation is very different from the first program in the series, Mobile Suit Gundam. In MSG, the colors tend to drift more to the cool side of the spectrum (i.e. green, blue, and purple), and use larger, more defined, shapes. Gundam Wing, on the other hand, uses very complex designs for objects, and tends to variate color usage, (especially in the designs of the Mobile Suits).

Gundam Wing was created by Yoshiyuki Tomino in the year 1995.