parent nodes: Carrying Capacity | Movement and Encumbrance

Movement and Encumbrance

The movement rate of a character or creature is expressed as the number of feet it can move per combat round. The normal player character races can all move 40’ per round. When exploring a dungeon, time is expressed in turns, as explained above; normal movement per turn is 3 times the movement rate per round.

This may seem slow, but this rate of movement includes such things as drawing maps, watching out for traps and monsters (though they may still surprise the party), etc. In a combat situation, on the other hand, everyone is moving around swiftly, and such things as drawing maps are not important.

A character’s movement rate is adjusted by his or her Encumbrance (the load he or she is carrying) as follows:
Armor Type Lightly Loaded Heavily Loaded
------------------------------ -------------- --------------
No Armor or Magic Leather 40’ 30’
Leather Armor or Magic Metal 30’ 20’
Metal Armor 20’ 10’