parent nodes: Encounter

Healing and rest

Characters recover 1 hit point of damage every day, provided that normal sleep is possible. Characters who choose full bedrest regain an additional hit point each evening.

Normal characters require 6 hours sleep out of every 24. Subtract from this number of hours the character’s Constitution bonus; so a character with 18 Constitution needs only 3 hours sleep per night (and a character with 3 Constitution needs 9 hours). Note that these figures are minimums; given a choice, most characters would prefer to sleep two or more hours longer.

Characters who get less than the required amount of sleep suffer a -1 penalty on all attack rolls and saving throws (as well as not receiving any hit points of healing). For each additional night where sufficient sleep is not received, the penalty becomes one point worse. Regardless of how long the character has gone without adequate sleep, the normal amount of sleep will remove these penalties.