parent nodes: Getting Started | Hit Points and Hit Dice
When a character is injured, they lose hit points from
their current total. Note that this does not change the
figure rolled, but rather reduces the current total;
healing will restore hit points, up to but not exceeding
the rolled figure.
When their hit point total reaches 0, your character may
be dead. This may not be the end for the character;
don't tear up the character sheet.
First level characters begin play with a single hit die of
the given type, plus the Constitution bonus or penalty,
with a minimum of 1 hit point. Each time a character
gains a level, the player should roll another hit die and
add the character's Constitution bonus or penalty, with
the result again being a minimum of 1 point. Add this
amount to the character's maximum hit points figure.
Note that, after 9th level, characters receive a fixed
number of hit points each level, as shown in the
advancement table for the class, and no longer add the
Constitution bonus or penalty.