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Martin Questions

What is your character’s name?

Martin Davis
What is your character’s physical description?

5'7'' kid, white, black hair, green eyes, stocky
How old is your character? (note: grade 9 fall semester 2002)

Are your parents alive? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die? (Also! Don’t forget that they can be previous heroes as well)

Who raised you?

my parents
Do you have any siblings? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die? Do they also have powers?

I have an older brother that has powers
What is your character’s social class?

upper middle class
How has their upbringing affected their world view?

a bit of an affluent delinquent
What are your character’s hobbies?

sports, including football
Is your character religious?

Has your character been arrested? What for?
a couple times, misuse of powers, vandalism, fights, (delinquent kid stuff)

Has anyone in your character’s family served in the military?
yes, my character's father

Do you have any friends who are also going to this new school?

What is your character’s motivation/complications?
not many friends, afraid of gravely hurting people, wants to make friends, past run ins with police, wants to get a fresh start

What are your character’s life goals?

learn to help others with his powers, get a fresh start in the new school
Does your character know the other characters?
we met during the entrance exam/orientation/something
Anything else you want to mention about your character?

idk probably not