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Board Games

A board game is a game for one or more players played with a wood, plastic, or paper 'board' specifically printed to play that game. This page classifies board games according to the concerns which might be uppermost for someone organizing a gaming event or party. See the article on game classification for other alternatives.

Two-player abstract strategy games where players know the entire game state at all times, and random generators such as dice are not used.
Classic strategy games:
Alquerque - Go - Chess - Checkers - Gomoku - Pool Checkers - Shogi - Nine Men's Morris - Mak-yek - Mancala - Xiang Qi
Modern strategy games:
Abalone - Amazons - Chinese checkers - Fanorona - Five Field Kono - Halma - Hex - Kensington - Lines of Action - Ninuki-renju - Pente - Phutball - Reversi - L Game
Two-player games of chance:
where luck or hidden information may decide the outcome, but skill predominates.
Backgammon - Battleship - Parchisi - Senet - Sugoroku - Stratego
Multi-player elimination games:
where participants may be eliminated before game end.
Diplomacy - Monopoly - Risk - Titan
Multiplayer games without elimination:
where everyone can play along to the end. These games are especially suited for mixed play with adults and children.
Acquire - Bohnanza - Can't Stop - Carcassonne - Careers - Clue - El Grande - Elfenland - Euphrat und Tigris - The Game of Life - Java - Kill Doctor Lucky - Lost Cities - Pay Day - Settlers of Catan - Scotland Yard - Tikal - Torres
Modern Wargames:
where accurate simulation of historical or hypothetical battles is an objective.
Advanced Squad Leader - Third Reich - France 1940
Party games:
where a large and variable number of players can compete.
Articulate - Balderdash - Charades -Outburst -Pictionary - Taboo - Trivial Pursuit
Letter games:
where the play revolves around forming letters into words.
Boggle - Scrabble - Option - Upwords
Games of physical skill:
where coordination, finesse, or other physical skills are necessary.
Caroms - Crokinole - Subbuteo
Children's games:
where the rules are easy to learn and the outcome mostly or entirely due to chance.
Candy Land - Chutes and Ladders - Ludo - Sorry