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International Year for a Culture of Peace


Mexico - Vicente Fox becomes the first opposition President to take power since Francisco I. Madero in 1911. He won the Presidency as candidate of the rightist PAN (National Action Party).
January 3 - Final original Peanuts comic strip is published
January 10 - America On-line announces an agreement to buy Time Warner for $162 billion. This is the largest-ever corporate merger.
January 14 - A United Nations tribunal sentences five Bosnian Croats up to 25 years for the 1993 killing of over 100 Muslims in a Bosnian village.
January 16 - In Sacramento, California a commercial truck carrying evaporated milk is driven into the state capitol building killing the driver.
February 21 - David Letterman returns to the Late Show, over a month after having an emergency quintuple heart bypass surgery.
March 20 - Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, a former Black Panther, is captured after gun battle that left a sheriff's deputy dead.
March 26 - Presidential elections in Russia, Vladimir Putin elected President.
April 3 - Microsoft antitrust case: Microsoft is ruled to have violated United States antitrust laws by keeping "an oppressive thumb" on its competitors.
April 7 - Mars Odyssey is launched.
April 22 - In a predawn raid, federal agents seize six-year old Elian Gonzalez from his relatives' home in Miami, Florida and fly him to his Cuban father in Washington, DC ending one of the most publicized custody battles in US history.
April 23 Easter (very late this year).
April 25 - The State of Vermont passes HB847, legalizing Civil Unions for same-sex couples.
July 25 - The Concorde airliner crashes.
September 28 - Ariel Sharon leads several hundred armed Israelis in a visit to the Temple Mount, provoking an increase in Palestinian civil disorder which developed into the Al-Aqsa_Intifada
November - Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq rejects new U.N. Security Council weapons inspections proposals.
November 7 - US - In a highly controversial election, George W. Bush defeats Al Gore to become the 43rd President of the United States of America.
November 27 - Canada - Parliamentary elections - Jean Chretien re-elected as Prime Minister as Liberal Party increases majority in House of Commons
The last wholly Swedish-owned arms manufacturer, Bofors, is sold to American arms manufacturer United Defence.

Top Grossing Films of the Year

How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Cast Away
Mission: Impossible 2
What Women Want
The Perfect Storm
Meet the Parents
Scary Movie
What Lies Beneath