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T'Challa a.k.a. the Black Panther is the Head of state of the African nation of Wakanda, the most technologically advanced country on Earth. In this role, he was the King/Chieftain, religious leader, and commander-in-chief all rolled into one. He is also considered among the top intellects in the world.
Divine Empowerment
T'Challa was originally enhanced by the Heart-Shaped Herb which granted him to have Super-Soldier powers. His body is enhanced to near the pinnacle of human physical perfection. Aside from his senses, T'Challa's natural strength, speed, agility, durability, healing, stamina, and reflexes have been augmented to nearly superhuman degree.
Superhumanly Acute Senses
T'Challa's five senses are highly acute, although not superhumanly so like Daredevil's. He can see with greater clarity and greater distances than any ordinary human. His vision extends into the ultraviolet and infrared areas of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing him to see in near-total darkness and retain the same level of clarity. T'Challa's hearing is similarly enhanced, enabling him to detect sounds normal humans can't and sounds they ordinarily could but at much greater distances. T'Challa can memorize tens of thousands of scents. His sense of smell enables him to recognize people/objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. He can track a target by scent and track them to the exact location, can smell fear, and detect if someone is lying by change in body odor. T'Challa's sense of taste is sensitive to the point that he is able to taste the exact ingredients of any particular food he is eating.
Peak Human Strength
T'Challa's strength is enhanced to the peak of human potential. He received a blessing from the Panther Goddess Bast, which elevated his strength between peak human and superhuman levels. His physical strength is noticeably superior to any Olympic-class weightlifter and far superior to normal humans, allowing him to press lift approximately 800 lbs (363 kgs). His legs extends with his strength enabling him to vertically leap approximately 10 feet off the ground and 15 feet in a standing broad jump. He was able to bulldog a 3000 lb. black rhinoceros, and a 5-ton black rhinoceros. He has been seen to easily lifting a grown man with one arm and throwing him, tearing through a thin wall with just one hand, and wrestling a 20-foot long crocodile while using both of his hands.
Peak Human Speed
T'Challa is able to run and move at speeds superior to any Olympic-class runners, able to run at speeds up to 35 mph. However, when pushed to his limit, T'Challa can potentially run up to 41-45 mph. He also has the ability to attack faster than the eye can follow. His combat speed seems more enhanced than anything else, as he has frequently kept up with other enemies in combat, and blitzed people before they pull their trigger fingers.
Peak Human Stamina
T'Challa's body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles and his musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him exceptional endurance, and lung capacity. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for an hour before fatigue toxins begin to impair him. His lung capacity is at the peak human levels, enabling him to hold his breath underwater for 6 minutes. He was able to run for 15 miles in the New York sewer with little to no fatigue toxins begin to impair him.
Peak Human Durability
His skin, muscle, and bone tissues are augmented to levels that are much denser and harder than normal humans, making him far more durable and resistant to damage to various degrees. He withstood getting smashed on his head by a glass bottle with no visible injury or discomfort. T'Challa can withstand blows from superhuman opponents like Killmonger, who have the strength to overpower and kill an adult bull elephant with his bare hands.
Peak Human Regeneration
T'Challa's enhanced healing speed and capabilities allows him to have a conditioned metabolism and immune system that enables extraordinarily efficient healing.
Peak Human Agility: T'Challa's equilibrium, balance, flexibility, dexterity, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels superior to any Olympic-level athlete that has ever competed. This gives him cat-like agility. T'Challa has been seen to run barefoot on utility pole wires, and leap across an entire opera room.
Peak Human Endurance
T'Challa's endurance is about double that of an Olympic athlete. He continued to function for thirteen hours while fighting Killmonger despite being exhausted.
Peak Human Reflexes
T'Challa's reaction time are beyond the natural limits of an Olympic-level athlete, allowing him to dodge multiple gunfire at point-blank range with ease. He has been noted to have reflexes faster than an actual panther.