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Having grown up as Amara Aquilla, daughter of the First Senator of the hidden Amazonian city Nova Roma, the mutant Magma was sent to live in the outside world to prevent her becoming a potential human sacrifice. She ultimately joined the young New Mutants team.
Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla hailed from the country of Nova Roma (New Rome), a colony of the Roman Empire reportedly founded shortly after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. The colony was hidden in modern Brazil and was ruled until recently by the immortal mutant sorceress Selene. Amara was the daughter of Lucius Antonius Aquilla, a prominent senator.
A faction of the city’s Inca population attempted to transform the republic into an imperial state and a dark cult following the Black Priestess was regularly sacrificing young girls in a pit of fire in some caves beneath Nova Roma. Senator Aquilla was the leader of the opposition to this faction. Fearing for his daughters' safety, Senator Aquilla sent his daughter Amara to live in the jungles outside Nova Roma, disguised as a native. Later, the senator discovered that the Black Priestess was actually the immortal mutant Selene, wife of Senator Marcus Domitius Gallio, the leader of the Imperial faction.