parent nodes: Arrowverse | Earth-1 | Earth-2 | Earth-TUD5 | Oliver Queen


Earth-38[1] was one of the many universes in the multiverse. It was the home universe of Superman and Supergirl. During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, the entire universe was engulfed in a wave of antimatter, with 3 billion of Earth's citizens surviving due to evacuation to Earth-1, making them refugees. Unfortunately, the antimatter wave would later reach Earth-1 as well, killing all surviving inhabitants except Supergirl, J'onn J'onzz, and Lex Luthor.

After Oliver Queen died while battling the Anti-Monitor and reformed the universe, Earth-Prime was formed, which contains most elements of Earth-1, Earth-38, and Earth-TUD5. As such, while this Earth may be physically gone, its people live on as part of Earth-Prime.