parent nodes: Betsy Braddock | Brian Braddock | Excalibur | Where Every Hero is At

Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock is a British mutant telepath who has acted both alongside the X-Men as Psylocke and as a champion for Otherworld as Captain Britain. While her twin brother Brian became the original Captain Britain, Betsy developed psychic powers. By serving in S.T.R.I.K.E. Psi Division, her path as a secret agent crossed with her brother's super hero activities. She acted as an ally to her brother in several conflicts, eventually adopting the Captain Britain mantle. Blinded by the villain Slaymaster, Braddock stood down as Captain Britain, only to be captured and to have her sight restored by Mojo and Spiral. Rescued by Excalibur and the New Mutants, she would later join her brother in Excalibur.