parent nodes: Kaito Kahjeia | PlayerCharacters

Kaito Kahjeia

Kai'to Kahjeia

Questionnaire for: (Kai'to Kahjeia) / (Kai)

• What is your character’s name?
Kai'to Kahjeia
• What is your character’s physical description?
Name: Kai’to Kahjeia
Race: Miqo’te - Keeper of the Moon
Height: 5 fulm 7 ilm (200.66 cm)
Weight: 121 ponze (54.88 kg) (8.64 stone)
• How old is your character?
• Are your parents alive?
Probably not.
What is their situation?
Are they dead/how did they die?
Couldn't say.
• Who raised you?
• Do you have any siblings?
• Is your character married or in a serious relationship?
Married, open relationship, Poly-amourous
• What is your character’s social class?
Upper - Middle Class
• How has their upbringing affected their world view?
Majorly, from barely having enough to eat to having excess and living comfortably now. Kai'to appreciates all that he has earned and knows the value of a gil.
• What is your character’s profession?
Omni Crafter
Are they good at it?
Top 10% if not 07%
• Is your character religious?
• Has your character been arrested? What for?
Yes. Theft, assault, public drunkeness, and lewd conduct.
• Has your character served in the military?
Yes, Multiple.
• Do you have any friends beyond your fellow rangers?
Yes, but they stayed on the home star.
• What is your character’s motivation/complications?
To protect his family and return home to them.
Missing his loved ones and having no way to contact them.
Cultural differences, possible language barriers.
• How did your character learn or train their skills?
Extensive training in hand to hand combat and rifle usage. Head Artisan for Bibiraka's Brokerage.
• What are your character’s life goals?
To live a rich and prosperous life surrounded by those he loves and never have to be involved in saving a star or fighting a nations wars again.
• If your character saw a crime would they want to intervene?
Yes, possibly commiting another crime in doing so.
• Does your character know the other characters?
• Anything else you want to mention about your character?
Kai'to will trust and treat people with respect until someone fails to return that. Also, DO NOT touch his tail.