parent nodes: Kai Walker | PlayerCharacters

Kai Walker

1. What is your character’s name?
Kai Walker
2. What is your character’s physical description?
Average teen look. Comparison would be Jason
3. How old is your character?
4. Are your parents alive? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die?
Both parents alive but divorced when I was 9years
5. Who raised you?
Parents raised me but my grandmother had a bigger influence on me growing up
6. Do you have any siblings? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die?
Sister. Missing since we were young
7. Is your character married or in a serious relationship?
8. What is your character’s social class?
He’s The Guy in school. Everything likes him but he’s not in the “Popular” crowd
9. How has their upbringing affected their world view?
Grew up with own beliefs. Learned about stuff overtime and wasn’t force fed info
10. What is your character’s profession? Are they good at it?
Nursing Home waiter. Terrible at first but grew to enjoy working there and is now good
11. Is your character religious?
12. Has your character been arrested? What for?
Yes. Drinking and driving with friends and got pulled over
13. Has your character served in the military?
14. Do you have any friends beyond your fellow rangers?
Yes. Derek & Sid. Both male who I’ve known since 2nd grade. We take/took Tae Kwon Do together and are close friends.
15. What is your character’s motivation/complications?
Motivation is to help other people around him. Complications is that he tries too hard sometimes and ends up making things worse
16. How did your character learn or train their skills?
Playing sports all his life. He’s played all the core 4 sports when he was younger
Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, and Football. Didn’t stick with all of them but kept with Tae Kwon Do
17. What are your character’s life goals?
To help everyone and protect the ones he loves
18. If your character saw a crime would they want to intervene?
Depends on the crime. If someone is hurting someone else than yes. But if it’s like a mom stealing to help her kids then no
19. Does your character know the other characters?
Yes and no. Really just depends on the story.
20. Anything else you want to mention about your character?
Theyre brave in the face of danger but secretly is scared