parent nodes: Old Session Summaries

Episode 5

Episode 5 - A Disastrous Dinner
The rangers investigate a another technotron incursion. They see them walking down the street, and follow to the best they can. They watch as the technotrons head into a Reynold's Industries owned factory in the industrial district. After being warned off by a guard, the rangers decide to return that night to investigate further. When they do so, they find a factor seemingly made to produce technotrons, and that the company is more than likely producing technotrons to some kind of scale. They depart the factory, and decide to investigate Maxwell Reynold, the local CEO of Reynold Industries.

Matthew remembers he saw a local puff piece on the CEO about a local restaurant he eats at every Sunday night. Claudia helps disguise our rangers so that they're identities would not be known, and they head to the restaurant. Matthew sneaks in, while the other rangers keep watch. Matthew begins to converse with the CEO in his private booth, however not too long into the conversation, all their communicators go off. Technotron signatures have been picked up nearby. Claudia runs in and gives an excuse for Matthew to leave. Our rangers search nearby to find the technotrons, but cannot find them. Soon enough though, they start to hear a commotion from inside the restaurant. They morph, and head in to see some technotrons now harassing the restaurant's patrons. Not long after, the Maxwell Reynold transforms into a bowlertron, and tries to run out of the restaurant. During this, our rangers dispatch almost all of the technotrons. Once the bowlertron made it outside, however, it grew big, "with the full might of Reynold Industries." The rangers summoned their zords, and soon enough defeated the big bowlertron.

When they returned to Horizon, Ted bid his farewell to the rangers, as he felt he was no longer needed, but as an extension of Horizon, he was always there if they needed him.