parent nodes: Aria Morales | PlayerCharacters

Aria Morales

There isn't much about Aria that others know about them, but what we do know is that they are hardworking and are always dedicated to their commitments. They love helping out others when needed, but they're not really someone who will settle down in one place for long periods of time. They travel a lot, so long term friends isn't something they're committed to. At least, that's what it looks like.

Aria grew up mostly in the foster care system, moving from one place to another. It was hard for them after their parents went missing when they were just a child. The only thing they have to remember them by is the necklace that they receieved from them. It contains a fox tail, and they believe that is their animal spirit.

Being a ranger isn't what Aria planned for them, but they knew that this was their destiny. They were committed to finding their parents, but while they did so, they knew they had to protect the Earth from evil.

1. What is your character’s name?
Aria Morales
2. What is your character’s physical description?
5ft 8, long black hair, light skin
3. How old is your character?
25 years
4. Are your parents alive? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die?
Their parents are missing currently as far as they’re aware. They went missing when they were
nine years old
5. Who raised you?
Aria was placed into the foster care system and has been in and out of foster care until they
turned 18 and then moved into a dormitory at a university
6. Do you have any siblings? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die?
No they’re an only child
7. Is your character married or in a serious relationship?
No they’re single and not seeing anyone currently
8. What is your character’s social class?
They’re not really social, but they do tend to make a friend or two here and there whenever
they’re traveling
9. How has their upbringing affected their world view?
They see the world as a place where there’s good and there’s bad. They’re willing to help those
in need and defend those who deserve to be protected. They do have a hard time socializing at
first, but they have a major respect for people
10. What is your character’s profession? Are they good at it?
They don’t have a job, but they do train in martial arts whenever they can
11. Is your character religious?
Not exactly no
12. Has your character been arrested? What for?
No they haven’t but they did get in trouble a few times when they were younger
13. Has your character served in the military?
No they haven’t
14. Do you have any friends beyond your fellow rangers?
Not anyone they would consider friends but they have met a few people they’ve grown bonds
15. What is your character’s motivation/complications?
They’re motivated by their action to help as many people as they can, but because of their lack
of social skills it can be hard to get to know them at first.
16. How did your character learn or train their skills?
They trained in martial arts after their parents went missing because they felt like something
wasn’t right about their disappearance. They felt like they needed to learn how to defend
theirself from any type of evil or darkness.
17. What are your character’s life goals?
To one day find their parents and reunite with them
18. If your character saw a crime would they want to intervene?
Yes they would absolutely intervene if they saw a crime happening. Justice is very important to
19. Does your character know the other characters?
The other rangers? I’ll say they dont’ know them personally, but they do know that there are
other rangers that they need to lead and they hope that the other rangers will respect them just
like Aria respects the others
20. What’s one place you hang out at/go to/whatever in the city?
They spend time in the forest because that’s where they feel the most comfort in and they need
a place to go to in order to relax or meditate
21. Anything else you want to mention about your character?
They have a necklace with a fox tail on it that they always wear. It’s a gift they received from
their parents when they were a chil