Welcome to my shoddy rivalry generator

Right now, its very much a work in progress

Wrestlers can end up in multiple rivalries, especially if you generate a lot of rivalries.

I currently do no have it setup to work with tag teams, so no tag team rivalries. In theory, you can input them yourself in the name section, but then you will end up with 2v1 rivalries most of the time.

Right now, I'm not likely going to change that.

There is also nothing special about rivalries generated. They'll last a specific amount of weeks and have a set intensity going up to 10. If I get enough ideas I might add a list of rivalry types or basic storyline ideas.

Put the number of rivalries you'd like to generate here. Right now, 100 is the maximum amount it will generate.

If you want to go to the matchcard generator, click here.

If you have suggestions, comments or anything of the like, click here.