The Fox Cut

Welcome to The Fox Cut, a supercut of the entirety of Fox's live action Marvel movie library in chronological order across two timelines.

Total runtime: 35hr 9min

Included movies:

X-Men (2000)

X2: X-Men United (2003)

Daredevil (2003)(Director's Cut)

Elektra (2005)(Director's Cut)

Fantastic Four (2005)

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

X-Men: First Class (2011)

The Wolverine (2013)(Unleashed Extended Cut)

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)(Rouge Cut)

Fantastic Four (2015)

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

Deadpool (2016)

Logan (2017)

Deadpool 2 (2018)

Dark Phoenix (2019)

The New Mutants (2020)

A rough breakdown of the order is as follows:

Original Timeline --> Days of Future Past --> Revised Timeline

A more comprehensive breakdown:

Part 1 (4hr 16min)

The post credit scene from Days of Future Past showing Apocalypse building the pyramids.

The opening of X-Men: Apocalypse showing Apocalypse building the pyramids. 

The opening of X-Men Origins: Wolerine showing his origins in the 1800s, up through the point in the opening credits montage where he fights in World War 1.

The opening of X-Men: First Class showing Erik during the holocaust, and Xavier meeting Raven. (Note:any scenes from X-Men (2000) showing similar scenes of Erik are cut)

Two different scenes from The Wolverine that take place when the atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki.

The rest of X-Men: First Class that was not already shown.

(Note: Although Days of Future past has one scene that takes place in 1973 that is uneffected by the time travel gimmick, I decided not to include it here.)

The montage from X-Men Origins: Wolverine is resumed in the Vietnam War, and the rest of the movie happens as it did.

Matt Murdock's backstory from Daredevil (2003)

The opening of X-Men: The Last Stand showcasing young Jean and young Warren.

Part 2 (6hr 53min)

The entirety of X-Men (2000) sans Erik's backstory.

Daredevil (2003) with his backstory omitted, as well as the film re-edited so its in chronological order(no in media res opening)

The opening narration of Elektra (2005) as well as the scenes showcasing her being brought back to life after the events of Daredevil(2003) as well as scenes from her training under Stick.

The entirety of X2: X-Men United. 

The rest of Elektra (2005)

Part 3 (8hr 53min)

The entirety of Fantastic Four (2005) (Note: I readded the scene where Reed changes his face to look like Wolverine. Seemed fitting for this)

X-Men: The Last Stand, and its post credit scene, without its opening

The entirety of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and its mid credits scene. 

The entirety of The Wolverine (2013) without its flashback scenes. 

The post credit scene of The Wolverine (2013)

X-Men Days of Future Past presented as is, with the scene taking place in the future of the revised timeline removed.

From here forward, we are now in 1973 of the revised timeline.

Part 4 (7hr 7min)

The opening of X-Men: Dark Phoenix where Xavier meets young Jean Grey

The rest of X-Men: Apocalypse and its post credit's scene

All of X-Men: Dark Phoenix after its opening

Fantastic Four (2015) up until its 1 year timeskip

The past sequences of Deadpool up until right before he proposes to Vanessa

The rest of Fantastic Four (2015)

The past sequences of Deadpool from when he proposes to Vanessa up through when he gets in the taxi cab

The present sequences of Deadpool through to its end. (Deadpool's post credit scene is cut)

Deadpool: No Good Dead, the short film

Part 5 (8hr)

Deadpool 2 edited to be in chronological order, with a small dialouge cut. Note: Cable's future is left in the movie.

Deadpool 2's post credit scenes left in

The revised timeline future scene from X-Men: Days of Future Past

The entirety of Logan (2017)

The entirety of The New Mutants

~2 hours of credits

A post credit scene??